I made this design for my D.J. cousin Benny a.k.a. Leche Flan.....I don't know how to use photoshop so I suck at it......but I went ahead and put flat colors on one of the images, hope you guys like it......one is in Pen & ink the other in photoshop
This is an old painting i made in 2003 I believe.....I got inspired by an album cover "Rhetta Hughes" light my fire.........I got the image and pretty much tweeked it a little to make it look different.....I used acrylic on wood, hope you like it...
Ok, so for my Illustration 1 homework we had to make an editorial......We were suppose to do it for the "New Yorker" but I went ahead and made it for a different magazine, called "Waxpoetics"......Waxpoetics is a magazine about the record diggin culture, of different types of music.....This magazine has it all, from Dj's, Producers, collectors, Artist, Musician etc........anyways I got inspired by this mix tape named "Drugs" by Philidelphia's Soulman and a song called "The Dig" by People Under The Stairs.....The concept is how buying record pretty much gets really addicting, I mean spending all your work money on it, that you don't have money for rent, always broke because of that itch of finding that gem..... So this is what I came up with, i hope you guys like it and along with it I'll show you a little clip of what record diggin is about..........
Ever since my illustration 1 class, I told myself that I was gonna try to do as much gouache studies as I can before spring semester begins.....I need the practice, espeacially in color, so I painted this one.......I was inspired by a remake of a classic song named "My Girl" by the Temptations...The band that remade the song is "The Budos Band" an afro funk band out of New York........I got the image from the movie "The Temptations" hope you guys like it and here's a clip of the Band doin "My Girl" which I recorded at a show they performed........
For this homework assignment our teacher asked us to pick a modern novel, and make an illustration based on one or sentences from the novel.........I picked "A Clockwork Orange" by Alexander De Large which was pretty difficult due to the fact that it's got a whole different language....But I understood it after reading it over and over.........So this is the sentence I used: I viddied right at once what to to do. I said, in a thick deep goloss, "right, Georgie now" and I whished out a cut throat britva. Georgie said "uh" but he was skorry enough with his nosh. The blade coming out of the handle and we were onto each other......Anyways, I wasn't really happy with the final outcome but I'm still gonna show it, my weakness is color, but it's something I'm gonna work on really hard.........Hope you guys like it
On this homework assignment we had to make a composite having 1 dominant shape along with 4 other elements, which would be a total of 5 things in your illustration......We had to base it on a negative dream or personal experience, or a positive, personal experience.......I picked a positvie personal experience.....about 5 years ago I witnessed a band by the name of "The Dap-Kings" out of New York and if you ever want to experience vintage funk I recommend you guys to check them out.......They straight up use old instruments along with old amps which gives it a raw sound like you've gone back in time, like 1969-1971.........Anyways, I saw them perform in my homestown (San Francisco) at the "ELBO" room, and for those people that don't know the venue, it has a limited space so when a band performs you really get to feel the music.........I was up front when they performed and I honestly felt like the funk got the best of me that night.......
So this is my illustration, oh and by the way on this asssignment we are suppose to put a portrait of yourself in it.........Hope you like it and here's a clip of them jammin
Our first assignment was based on using pen and ink........so our teacher gave us 6 objects which was a fish or snake, pillow, wheat, wooden barrel, wooden floor, weave basket and we had to draw them using paterns and texture ......after that, our teacher made us pick one of those objects and make an illustation of a person in an interior setting interacting with one of those objects so I picked the snake and weave basket....... so I started brainstorming and got an idea of how in india they have those guys playin a flute and the snake comes out dancin out of a basket......but what I wanted to illustrate was a Jazz musician in his room playin his trumpet along with with his record, while his snake is comin out of it's basket, along in his room he has a collection of weave baskets......and I think I successfully pulled it off, I hope you like it.........
For those who don't know me, I'm a big vinyl addict, to the point that I use to spend all my work money on it......Aside from that, music is what inspires me to do my personal artwork....For example there's a dope record that is super rare by the name of "The Stark Reality" pretty much a holy grail in the record collector community.......When I first heard the album I was just in AWWWWWWWWW, so it inspired me to do these two drawings I'm about to show you....and along with the drawings I'll show you the record, album cover and a clip of them.....Hope you'll enjoy it.................
Hi, i'm a returning student from the Academy Of Art... I attended this school years ago but never got to finish, so I'm back to take care of business. My major is illustration and so I'll be postin a lot of art work from school along with my personal work that I hope you'll enjoy. I'll try very hard to keep this blog interesting so i'll also be postin music I've found at flea markets, thrift stores, record shops, ebay etc......... just to keep it fun and different....I would like to post an old drawing I made back in 2003