Sunday, March 15, 2009


Here are two drawings I did on my sketchbook.......This time using my pencil...The drawing on top was inspired from an artist named Wayne Johnson, this guy is goin places with his art.........


  1. your killing me bro! These are too clean!

  2. You're dope! YOu're good friends with Joe hayama right??

  3. Yeah Me and Joe go wayback.....We would hit up all the workshops...This was our crew Joe, Erwin Madrid, Jennifer Chang, Jose Flores, James McCallum aka James Kei, Jerarde Gutirez, etc.........

  4. Dude, I found your blog from the awesome Wayne Johnson. Your sketches are top notch man and I mean that from the heart. What I'm also exhilarated by is your constant injection of funk. You know a lot of great music and thats something all artists should embrace in order to become well rounded people. Keep up the great work man.

    -Paul Grab
